Surrogacy Compensation

Becoming a surrogate not only provides personal satisfaction of giving intended parents such a selfless and miraculous gift, but it also comes with generous compensation. From making a down payment on a house, paying off debt, starting a college fund, or taking a dream vacation, women who chose to be a surrogate with Modern Conceptions can use their compensation to help improve their family’s quality of life.

Guaranteed Surrogate Compensation Amount
First-time surrogate base compensation ​ $60,000-$65,000
Experienced surrogate base compensation $70,000-$75,000
Monthly stipend- covers pre-natal pills, vitamins, gas to appointments, time off for appointments, etc. $250 per month/begins with stimulation medication.
Additional stipend- covers choice of housekeeping, chiropractic care, massage, and/or additional childcare. $250 per month/begins at 28 weeks pregnant.
Embryo transfer payment $1,000
Maternity clothing allowance $500-$1,000
Lost wages: post birth recovery wages include 6 weeks for vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for a C-section. Based on gross wages
18-month term life insurance policy. $400-$600
Variable Compensation Amount
Travel expenses (hotel, food, airfare, etc.) Varies
Medical bills All medical bills related to the surrogacy.
Lost wage compensation for bed rest/modified work schedule or invasive
Based on gross wages
House cleaning services in case of bed rest $100/week
Childcare in case of bed rest $200 per child/week
Surrogate’s spouse/partner lost wage compensation: Up to 10 days with a max of $200/day. Up to $2,000
Multiples $5,000 per baby
Counseling – during pregnancy and up to 3 months after delivery $1,000
Pumping breast milk $200/week plus cost for shipping and all supplies
C-section $2,500
Loss of ovaries and/or fallopian tubes $2,500
Loss of uterus or cervix $5,000
Hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix, possibly tubes and ovaries) $7,500
Invasive procedures (Amnio, CVS, D&C, etc.) $500
Mock cycle $1,000
Termination/Selective reduction $750-$2,000
Cancelled cycle $500
Mock cycle $1,000
Potential Compensation Amount
Compensation for multiples $5,000
Hysterectomy $5,500
Loss of uterus $2,500
Loss of ovary(ies) and or fallopian tube(s) $1,500
Cesarean section $2,500
Termination or selective reduction $750
Invasive procedures (amniocentesis, CVS, D&C, etc) $500
Mock cycle $1,000
Pumping breast milk $100/per week plus cost of supplies and shipping
Counseling services Up to $1,000
Bed Rest Compensation Amount
Lost wages (based on surrogate income) Varies
House cleaning $100 per week
Childcare $150 per week

Travel Expenses

If you agree to travel during the surrogacy, your Intended parents will pay for all costs associated. These costs may include your airfare, hotel, transportation, airport parking, and food for you and a companion to the medical screening appointment and embryo transfer.

Medical Insurance

If you currently don’t have medical insurance or your policy doesn’t cover surrogacy, your Intended parents will purchase a policy on your behalf for the duration of the surrogacy.

Why Modern Conceptions Surrogacy Is For You

We consult with every surrogate to answer any questions you may have, to ensure everyone is well informed before moving forward. We are here for you not only in the very beginning of the process, but throughout your entire surrogacy journey and long after.